Work package 6 aims to finalise the MetroMapping methodology, assess the generalisability of the methodology and decision-support tools of MetroMapping and to provide guidance to policy-makers about MetroMapping.participants in 4D PICTURE, ensuring smooth cooperation and management.
work package 6 tasks
Finalizing the MetroMapping methodology
In the three MetroMapping countries (DK, ES, NL) we will organize a Delphi consensus with ca 60 participants in total to finalize the MetroMapping methodology.
Evaluation of generalizability of MetroMapping in other EU countries and other cancer types
We will evaluate the generalizability of the preliminary manual and tools for Metromapping of WP4 to other cancer types and other EU countries (AT, DE, SE, SL, UK). We will conduct qualitative interviews and focus groups with clinicians, patient representatives (PPI board), service designers, and quality of care staff (a total of approximately 60 interviews), on the MetroMapping methodology (with and without the decision-support tools as developed in WP2 and WP3) and its potential impact on service. We will discuss the results from WP4 and WP5, demonstrating the website and manual.
Finalizing (and translating) the MetroMapping manual and extending and maintaining the website and community (forum)
Interviews with policy makers
In each of the eight countries involved we will next discuss the MetroMapping website and stand-alone tools (Prognostic Tools and Conversation Tool), and interim results of the CEA, in interviews with policy makers and guideline developers from ministries, health systems, hospitals, patient societies, professional societies, and payers, in order to build capacity, facilitate implementation through understanding its barriers and facilitators (approx. 80-100 interviews in total).
Improving generalizability and uptake of the MetroMapping methodology and decision-support tools (NASSS framework) throughout the duration of the project
Systematically and timely identifying, feeding back, and subsequently reducing elements of complexity of the products in the 7 NASSS domains by:
- Workshop with consortium members at the 3 consortium meetings (Months 3, 13 and 58), using the NASSS workshop methodology for systematically discussing and reducing complexity;
- Individual interviews with consortium members at critical moments in the project;
- Secondary analysis of the data as collected in the 4D PICTURE project.
Writing the overall strategy for international implementation of both the stand-alone decision-support tools and the MetroMapping methodology including final open-source manual and business case
Work package leader
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Work package leader