Expertise in patient and medical professional advocacy
The European Cancer Organisation is a not-for-profit federation bringing together hundreds of professional societies, patient groups, treatment centres, and research institutes to create more effective, efficient, and equitable cancer care across Europe.
On behalf of our member societies and patient advocacy groups, the European Cancer Organisation convenes interested stakeholders in its ten Focused Topic Networks: Prevention; Early Detection and Screening; HPV Action; Health Systems and Treatment Optimisation; Quality Cancer Care; Survivorship and Quality of Life; Digital Health; Inequalities; Workforce; the Impact of the War in Ukraine in Cancer; and the Impact of Covid-19 on Cancer.
Examples of our expertise can be found in various EU-funded projects that the we are coordinating presently, including INTERACT-EUROPE, PROTECT-EUROPE and smartCARE; as well as other initiatives such as The European Cancer Pulse, Young Cancer Professionals and Parliamentarians for Cancer Action.

Norbert Couespel
Senior Coordinator, Policy Research & EU Projects

Giuseppe Filiti
Communication Officer

Marion L’Hôte
Policy Officer - Survivorship & Quality of Life

Nela Osmanovic
ACOE and Projects Officer