WP 8: Dissemination

The task of WP8 is to disseminate project information, results of the research and innovation activities to key stakeholders through various channels and to enable access to decision-support tools to cancer patients, their significant others, clinicians, and the public.

work package 8 tasks


Development of a Plan of Dissemination and Exploitation of Results (PDER)

The PDER will be drafted and further refined at regular points during the project. The PDER aims to maximise the quality of communicating outputs to a range of stakeholders. We will consult targeted users and other stakeholders to align our messages.


Developing and maintaining the 4D PICTURE website

This website will provide: short accounts of the project with regular updates, short videos from each WP leader explaining their activities, a series of 12 podcasts about 4D PICTURE results and links to the developed decision-support tools in WP2 and WP3.


Dissemination and communication of project findings to patient organizations, cancer patients, significant others, and citizens throughout the project

The European Cancer Organisation (ECO) has great expertise in stakeholder engagement and information dissemination and will ensure new insights are effectively communicated to patients in languages they can understand and that can be used to empower patients and their families to be active partners in their healthcare.


Communication to clinicians, scientists and policy makers throughout the project

A network of stakeholders from different countries will be setup and will consist of policy-makers to help calibrate the approach in our project. This network will include (but will not be restricted to) the members of the Project Community Engagement Board as described in WP1. Dissemination of the findings of the project will take place through classic and modern media channels, targeted to the main messages: our website, e-newsletters, social media, virtual seminars and policy and awareness reports.


Communication to designers

Led by the designers at Zaragoza in collaboration with Panton, they will make packages of translated versions of MetroMap freely available including training for its use.


Barbara Perić

Work Package 8 Lead

Work package leader

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