Technische Universität München


The Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine

The Institute works on the ethical, historical and cultural dimensions of medicine. In medical ethics, we focus on questions of responsible development and ethical integration of new biomedical technologies into research and clinical practice.



Marieke Bak

Postdoctoral Researcher

I am a medical ethicist and lecturer with an interest in responsible research and innovation. My main focus is on the ethics of data-driven and AI technologies in healthcare. I am part of WP7, and will work primarily on embedded ethics participation in 4D, for instance by organising workshops.

Alena Buyx

Work Package 7 Lead

I am Professor of Ethics in Medicine and Health Technologies and Director of the Institute of History and Ethics in Medicine at Technical University of Munich. I have expertise in theoretical ethical analysis as well as in empirical, mixed-methods approaches and policy development.