The team at Lancaster University consists of experts in natural language processing,
corpus linguistics, cancer, palliative and end of life care.
We have considerable experience of research on the use of metaphor in cancer, and working on large international research projects.
The Lancaster University team work across three departments; School of Computing and Communications, Linguistics and English Language and the International Observatory on End of Life Care.
Examples of our expertise can be found in projects that we have been involved in recently, including the Metaphor, Cancer and the End of Life Project, (MELC).
Visit our ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS), and our University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language, (UCREL), to learn more about what we do.
Lancaster team

Anthony Greenwood
Web Administrator

Daisy Monika Lal
Research Associate - NLP

Yufeng LIU (Kiki)
Senior Research Associate - Metaphor Analysis

Amara Nwosu
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Palliative Care

Sheila Payne
Emeritus Professor

Paul Rayson